2nd Annual

June 21-23

Cleveland, GA


Creating a safe, respectful, and consensual environment is our top priority at the Midsummer Nights Kink Festival. All attendees, performers, presenters, and staff are expected to adhere to the following consent policy to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Principles of Consent:

  1. Affirmative Consent:
    • Consent must be explicitly given through clear, affirmative words or actions. Silence or lack of resistance does not imply consent.
    • "Yes" means yes; anything less than an enthusiastic yes means no.

2.Ongoing and Revocable:

  • Consent can be withdrawn at any time. If someone withdraws their consent, all activities must stop immediately.
  • Consent must be obtained for each new activity or escalation of activity.

Informed and Specific:

  • Consent must be given with a full understanding of what is being agreed to.
  • Agreeing to one activity does not imply consent to other activities.


  • Consent must be given freely and willingly without any form of pressure, coercion, manipulation, or intoxication.

Guidelines for Attendees:

  1. Communication:
    • Clearly communicate your boundaries and respect the boundaries of others.
    • Use verbal affirmations and check-ins to ensure ongoing consent during activities.
  2. Respect:
    • Respect personal space and physical boundaries.
    • Do not touch or engage with anyone without obtaining their explicit consent first.

  • Awareness:
  • Be aware of and respect any special indicators, such as wristbands, that signify individuals who do not wish to be photographed or approached.
  • Safety:
  • If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe at any time, reach out to event staff or volunteers for assistance.
  • Look out for the well-being of others and seek help if you witness a violation of consent.

Consequences of Violating Consent:

  1. Immediate Action:
    • Any violation of this consent policy will result in immediate intervention by event staff.
    • Depending on the severity of the violation, actions may range from a warning to removal from the event without a refund.
  2. Reporting:
    • Incidents can be reported to any event staff member or volunteer. Reports will be handled with confidentiality and sensitivity.
    • We encourage anyone who experiences or witnesses a consent violation to report it promptly.

  • Support:
  • Event staff are trained to provide support and resources to those affected by consent violations.
  • We will work with individuals to ensure their safety and well-being throughout the event.

Thank you for helping us create a safe and consensual environment at the Midsummer Nights Kink Festival. Let’s work together to ensure a positive experience for all!

Commitment to Community:

  1. Education:
    • We are committed to fostering an environment of continuous learning and improvement.
    • Educational workshops and resources on consent, communication, and safety will be available throughout the event.
  2. Inclusivity:
    • We strive to create an inclusive space that respects and celebrates diversity in all forms.
    • All attendees, regardless of their identity or background, are expected to adhere to this consent policy.



Your health and safety are our top priorities. Please review our COVID-19 policy to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

General Guidelines:

Stay Informed: Follow the latest guidelines and recommendations from the CDC and local health authorities.

Vaccination: We do no require vaccinations to attend Midsummer Nights Kink Event

Testing: We recommend taking a COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to the event. If you test positive or exhibit symptoms, please stay home.

Health and Safety Measures:

  • Masking: Masks are welcome as needed, especially in crowded or enclosed spaces. Guest will need to provide their own masks.
  • Hand Hygiene: Hand sanitizing stations will be placed throughout the event grounds. Regular handwashing is encouraged.
  • Social Distancing: Please respect others' space and practice social distancing where possible. Seating arrangements at workshops and performances will allow for spacing.
  • Symptom Monitoring: If you feel unwell or exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, shortness of breath), please do not attend the event. Seek medical attention if necessary.

On-Site Protocols:

  • Temperature Checks: Temperature checks may be conducted at the entrance. Attendees with a fever (100.4°F/38°C or higher) will not be permitted entry.
  • Sanitation: High-touch areas and restrooms will be cleaned and sanitized regularly throughout the event.
  • Ventilation: Indoor areas will be well-ventilated to ensure adequate airflow. Outdoor activities will be prioritized when possible.

Camping and Accommodations:

  • Cabin Occupancy: We recommend limiting cabin occupancy to your immediate group. Enhanced cleaning protocols will be implemented in cabins between stays.
  • Tent Spacing: Ensure tents are spaced appropriately to maintain social distancing.

Workshops and Activities:

  • Capacity Limits: Workshops and activities may have limited capacity to ensure proper distancing. Pre-registration for popular sessions is advised.
  • Equipment Sharing: Avoid sharing personal items or equipment. Disinfect any shared items before and after use.

Response to COVID-19 Case:

  • Isolation Area: An isolation area will be designated for individuals who develop symptoms or test positive during the event.
  • Notification: Attendees will be notified if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 at the event.

Policy Updates:

  • This policy is subject to change based on evolving health guidelines and regulations. Any updates will be communicated promptly to all attendees.


Authorized Photographers:

  • Only official event photographers are permitted to use cameras at any time during the festival.
  • Event photographers will be identifiable by a special badge.

No Personal Cameras:

  • Personal cameras, including professional cameras and DSLR/SLR models, are not allowed.
  • Attendees are encouraged to enjoy the event without the distraction of capturing photos.

Wristband System:

  • Attendees who do not wish to be photographed can obtain a special wristband at the registration desk during the opening ceremony.
  • Wristbands will help event photographers identify and respect the privacy of these individuals.
  • If you wish to change your preference during the event, please visit the registration desk.

Consent and Respect:

  • Event photographers are trained to seek consent before taking close-up photos of individuals.
  • Respect for personal boundaries and comfort is a priority. If you feel uncomfortable being photographed, please inform the photographer or a staff member.

Photo Use and Distribution:

  • Photos taken by event photographers may be used for promotional materials, social media, and future event marketing.
  • If you see a photo of yourself that you wish to be removed from public platforms, please contact us with the specific request, and we will address it promptly.

Privacy Areas:

  • Certain areas may be designated as "no photography" zones to ensure privacy for sensitive activities.
  • These areas will be clearly marked, and attendees are expected to respect these boundaries.

Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns regarding our photography policy, or to request the removal of a photo, please contact Xir Divine Rae at midsummerkinkfest@proton.me

Thank you for your cooperation in making the Midsummer Nights Kink Festival a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Let's respect each other's privacy and enjoy the festivities!